we hear or read the word SKIN many of us first think COLOR.
But did you know that besides enclosing and protecting your insides,
your skin is your largest, heaviest, most versatile, and most flexible
organ – and that it interacts with almost every other part
and function of your body?
Also – under our skins all Human Beings are the SAME colors: we
all have white bones, brown livers, pink tongues, and we bleed
red, AND we all have pink fingernails and toenails, plus unpigmented
palms and soles (the reasons are explained in our CD recording
and book).
WHY we have different surface skin colors is the amazing ability
of our ancient ancestors to live in the large variety of geographic
locations all over this World.
We LABEL each other black, yellow, red, and white – but who do
you know that is black like an eagle, yellow like a canary, red
like a cardinal, or white like a dove?
NO — ALL human skin colors, no matter where our ancestors
lived in this World, are EARTH TONES — various hues of brown,
beige, gold, and pink — colors found in the woods, rocks,
nuts, grains, and sea shells with whom we share this World.
PURPOSE of this project is to enable
you to understand and appreciate your skin from aesthetic
and biological perspectives. This is in contrast to the
social political, and judgmental perspectives of skin
(especially skin colors) that are contrived and have
been proven unjustifiable.
EFFECT of this exhibit is to bring the usually
awkward topic of Skin Color into-the-open within an atmosphere
of respect and healthy curiosity, and to enable settings
and situations in which we all learn about Human Skin in
general and about the particularities of our own individual
skins. This scientific information can defuse and debunk
skin-color stereotypes, replacing them with knowledge that
is not only awesome but that helps us recognize our similarities
and respect our differences.
HOPE is that this perspective on skin will
- make
you aware of the importance of your skin to your individual
health and well-being
- help
you appreciate and admire the amazingly beautiful varieties
of human skin color
- and
foster more personal pride and mutual respect among all of
us Earth-Toned Human Beings.
GOAL is to relieve us of the social and political
misconceptions about Skin Color that, even though they are
proven false and unjustifiable, cause many problems in this
World. Can a biological understanding and aesthetic appreciation
of each other draw us toward the mutual respect and positive
camaraderie that is needed for peace, harmony, and well-being
within-each-of -us and among-all-of-us sharing this World