Table of Contents for the KindredCOLORS Binder
“Everyone is Beautiful”
Title Page
Information about the Cast and Casting
page 5
page 6
How to Use the CDs and Book
page 7
CD Tracks Outline
page 8
Experiencing Beauty —What
is Beautiful and Why
A Beautiful Exercise for Everyone
Quotes about Beauty
page 13
Understanding and Appreciating Your Skin —
Its Functions, Importance, and Color
The CD Script, in Text Format (so you can follow the audio CDs)
page 16
Drawings by Jean Ronald Pacombe
Definitions of Anatomical and Scientific Terms
Excerpts from United Nations Documents
Pertaining to Social and Political Misconceptions about
Human Skin Colors
page 73
Quotes Relevant to Campaigns for Equality and Mutual Respect
Among People
Sources: Helpers, Consultants, and Bibliography
you will learn from the KindredCOLORS binder “Everyone is Beautiful”:
A. The amazing BIOLOGY of your skin — which is
not only your largest, heaviest, most flexible and most protective
organ, but which also interacts with every
other part of your body.
B. What defines us as HUMAN BEINGS — 1. Our common physical traits that include our
unique ability to develop and speak complex LANGUAGES
how and why)
and our unique HANDS that enable us to have Power Grips
and Precise Grips (learn how and why — and what the
results have been). And 2. Our common behavioral
traits that include living in families, forming communities,
cooking food, building shelters, making clothes, and
decorating our hair, nails, and bodies.
C. How we can move our FACES to express ourselves because, unlike animal beings,
our facial skin is directly connected to muscles that enable us to smile and
frown and form visible expressions from joy to grief.
D. How and why we wear a variety of SKIN COLORS. Under our skins we are all the
same colors (white teeth, pink gums, grey brains, and we bleed red) but OUR SURFACE
SKINS are different colors because of the awesome ability of our ancient ancestors
to live in the huge variety of geographies in this World.
E. And much much more...
We are inspired by the United Nations Declaration that resulted from the "World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa in 2001."
Here are a few of the excerpts we include in our
"Everyone is Beautiful" binder.
REAFFIRMING that cultural diversity is a cherished asset for the advancementand welfare of humanity at large and should be valued,
enjoyed, genuinely accepted and embraced as a permanent feature which enriches
our societies...;
EMPHASIZING the importance of the equitable participation of all,
without any discrimination in domestic as well as global decision-making...;
ALARMED BY the emergence and continued occurrence of racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in their more
subtle and contemporary forms
and manifestations, as well as by other ideologies
and practices based on racial or ethnic discrimination or superiority...;
[RECOGNIZING] the challenges that people of different socially
constructed races, colors, descent, national or ethnic origins,
religions and languages experience
in seeking to live together and to develop harmonious
multiracial and multicultural societies...;
WE FURTHER AFFIRM that all peoples and individuals
constitute one human family, rich in diversity. They
have contributed
to the progress of civilizations and
cultures that form the common heritage of humanity...”
Quotes Relevant to the United Nations Campaign for Equality, Consideration,
and Mutual Respect Among All People
Ruth Gader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice, in 2003:
Bias both conscious and unconscious...keeps up barriers that must
come down if equal opportunity and nondiscrimination are ever genuinely
to become this
country’s law and practice...The stain of
generations of racial oppression is still visible
in our society,
and the determination to hasten its removal
remains vital.”
Naomi Reed, quoted in Parade Magazine at age 22, in 2003:
Being multiracial has allowed me to see things from both sides of
the color line. It opens my mind to differences of all types, so
that I don’t prejudge
anything or anyone. That’s something I wish
we could all do...I think people would be surprised
at how many
more genuine
friends they would have
if we all met each other in the dark.”
Howard Thurman, poet, theologian, mystic:
“ I want to be me without making it difficult for you to be you.”
James A. Joseph, US Ambassador to South Africa, in 1999:
There is an old Khosi proverb that Archbishop Tutu likes to quote
that says ‘People
are people through other people.’ It follows
that to damage the humanity of another person is
to damage one’s own [humanity]...I hope,
therefore, you will seek to transform the notion
of live-and-let-live into the moral imperative
of live-and-help-live.”